Almost 12 weeks...

YAY!! You can see it better now huh. This sonogram was actually taken on 9/20/05 when the baby was about 10 weeks. You can see the HUGE head and lil hands. The body is below and the feets are all squished together at the bottom. The baby was moving all around and everything looks good according to the doctors :o) I go for another appointment on 10/11/05 so I should have an even better picture. Right now, at 12 weeks, the baby is about the size of a softball and it's fingernails and toenails are suppose to be coming in, as well as the genital parts. I might even know if it's a boy or girl next doctor visit! Oh, and the due date has changed, the new date is 4/19/06. Maybe we should start a betting pool on the real due date?
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head! (you have to say it with a scottish accent, a la mike myers in "so i married an axe murderer")
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Hey it doesn't look so much like a seamonkey any more as much as it looks like a gimpy midget in a pill case. Cool!
Adminsupervisor, wtf?! As if we don't get enough spam already -:(
yeah, you should delete those random spammy comments...dicks. we get that once in a blue moon on our blog, too. sucks.
yea, weird spam stuffs...
it does have a large head. This coming Tuesday I'm getting another sonogram so it could look even more baby-like rather then strange alien-like. it wiggles and moves though, it's cool to see live rather then just a pic but it's still cool.
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