So here is the latest sonogram. It's a little fuzzy but you can kind of see the profile of the face. The baby's little hand is sticking out near the nose and I swear it waved to me when the doctor was doing the sonogram. That's my smart little fetus!
whoa! the little nipper is getting big so fast! are you worried you're going to have a giantic baby - like you were?! Are you gonna do that natural childbirth, go to some sort of class or whatnot?
um...i think i'm gonna need drugs. it freaks me out, the whole pain thing, i don't like thinking about it cause i have a weak stomach. i have a low tolerance for all that stuff. i have no idea how you worked in a hospital filming stuff like that {O.o}
how's the iv in your tummy doing? are you feeling better?
The IV sucks, but I am feeling better so I guess it's somewhat working. I have to use the IV and take the pills to stop the throwing up though :o(
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